Wednesday, March 18, 2020

English mr pip practise essay Essays

English mr pip practise essay Essays English mr pip practise essay Essay English mr pip practise essay Essay Essay Topic: Everything Is Illuminated We are later introduced to the protagonist of the novel, a curious, skinny, thirteen year old named Mantilla. As all the teachers had fled the island, Mr. Watts took on the role of teaching the children, even though, all he knew was Charles Dickenss Great Expectations. A book in which Mantilla finds she can easily slip into like a t- shirt and escape from reality. As Mr. Watts reads Great Expectations and the book proceeds, Mantilla discovers she can connect with the main character, Pip, as if it was her own life being retold but only in a different way. While Mantilla has been given the opportunity to learn at school, Pip has been given the opportunity to learn to become a gentlemen. In which they both have now suffering from the way Pip lost his parents and Mantillas dad left overseas, the connection between them grows stronger each page. Both dreaming of escape, Pip was granted his wish by Mr. Jaegers. Just when Mantilla thought the connection between the two of them broke, Mantilla was transported away, far from the island. Geed up, Mantilla. Youve got school today. But we have no teachers. You do now. Pop Eye is going to teach you kids. This gave Mantilla the opportunity to learn at school once again, even if Mr. Watts wasnt a proper teacher. At this point, Pip was given the opportunity to learn to become a gentlemen. When Mr. Watts starts teaching the class, he introduces them to Great Expectations. l have found a new friend. The surprising thing is where I found him In a book. This quote was said by Mantilla and it shows us that Great Expectations meant a lot to her. She found someone who she could relate to and be with when her life got tough. She could always imagine a better place with Pip and everything would be okay for a little while. As Pip was so important to Mantilla, she saw that through Pips eventful experiences, she gained new perspectives which helped her to understand the increasingly difficult circumstances of her own life. The power of Dickenss story illuminated both the familiar and the changing aspects of Mantillas life in a new way, which also shows us how she relates to Pip. As we progressed through the book something happened to me. At some point I felt myself enter the story . Great Expectations impacts greatly on her life, it has basically become apart of her, one that she couldnt live without Dickens novel brought Mantilla hope and company. It also challenged Mantillas notions of identity, loyalty and the person she wanted to become. This was shown through Pips behavior and decisions in made throughout his life. Both Mantilla and Pip lost their fathers at a similar age, and were both raised by staunc h, strict, hard pressing women. In Mantillas case it was her mother who was submerged in her religious beliefs. While Pip was raised by his sister who was cold hearted and selfish. Because of this similarity Mantilla relates to Pip at an early stage and this provides another mean for Mantilla to fall in love with Great Expectations. l knew that orphaned white kid and that small, fragile place he squeezed into between his awful sister and lovable Joe Gagger because the same space came to exist between Mr. Watts and my mum. This quote tells us that Mantilla saw the connections between the two of them, showing us how empowering the book was on her life. Mantilla strongly identifies with Pip. Both trapped under a mother like figure, both without a father. They were in their own world unable to escape with little knowledge of the outside world. They also happened to get along with the people others arent too found Of. For Pip that is Ms Having and for Mantilla, Mr. Watts. Mantilla and Pip were both transformed by their emigration from their home surroundings. This was due to their saviors Mr. Jaegers, a lawyer in Pips case ND a log in Mantillas. Pip was given his escape by Mr. daggers who gave him the chance to go to London and excel in becoming a gentlemen. He was given full hope and support from an unknown benefactor which helped him along the way. When Mantilla was stuck in the rapids of the river, on the verge of death, a log drifted past which Mantilla latched onto, saving her life and boarded a boat to whom she wasnt sure belonged to just yet. As Mr. Jaegers saved Pip, and the log saved Mantilla, she thought that it was only fitting to name the log Mergers. Mergers, in both Mantilla and Pips cases, was the various which gave them both hope and light for the future. They both had unknown benefactors that were later revealed which also helped her relate to Pip, making him an important part of her life. Pip was so important to Mantilla, because she could rely on him to be there for her when she needed him. When she needed a friend, Pip was there. When she was upset, Pip was there. When she was scared, Pip was there. And when she needed someone she could relate to, Pip was definitely there. Pip was there for her no matter what. He was with her in her mind and heart. But most importantly Pip was in Great Expectations.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

3 Simple Ways You Can Be More Positive at Work

3 Simple Ways You Can Be More Positive at Work To be perfectly honest, I find working closely with groups of people somewhat stressful. I notice plenty of details and lots of them are irritating. You may work with griping colleagues, grouchy colleagues, hypercritical colleagues, or just complaining ones.How can you channel that nitpicky attitude into something that benefits the whole team? And how can you make sure you’re not a drain on the office yourself? Eve Ash, over at, has some helpful tips for you and your team.1. Make Negativity More ProductivePut that judginess to work! Your detail-oriented approach will help you identify errors or inconsistencies and address them before they hurt your company’s profile. Use your always see the problems skills to be your teams editor or worst-case-scenario planner. If youre going to find fault in things, you might as well fix them!The challenge is making sure your diplomacy skills are also well-developed, too- Mary Poppins was on to something with her spoon ful of sugar idea.2. Work On YourselfWhether you work with colleagues  who are negative or find yourself bogged down in self-critical or irritable thoughts, look for ways to turn your attitude around. Try to appreciate the passion behind  a cub-mates inquiry or the opportunity to have them vet your work before a higher-up or a client sees it. Lower your defenses to hear their corrections as a sign of their investment in your shared work, not a criticism of you!3. Encourage Others When You CanIf you’re receiving feedback that feels relentlessly negative or you find yourself caught up giving  harsh critiques without softening them with some more complementary responses, make an effort to accompany every criticism with a constructive suggestion (and to ask that your colleagues provide the same). Make sure you acknowledge a job well done, even if it involves correction of your own work or what feels like a challenge to your authority!